Docker + xdebug, zero thinking, screenshot only, 5 minutes guide.

2 min readNov 20, 2019


In collaboration with Luciano.

Dockerfile part for dev environment
mount xdebug.ini file from your project inside the container
xdebug.ini contents — port, idekey are used in PHPStorm settings

Important For the time of writing, this is valid for Windows or MacOS only, because of host.docker.internal and this issue.

However, a workaround exists for Linux users. Add extra_hosts setting to the docker-compose.override.yml like this:

using extra_hosts to enable debugging for docker environment

And execute the following command on the host machine:

export DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(ip route | grep docker0 | awk ‘{print $9}’)

This will make the hostname host.docker.internal resolvable to your host IP address. You can now restart the container and have the hostname resolvable to your host machine’s IP from inside the container.

Let’s continue with the configuration.

PHPStorm -> Preferences -> PHP -> xdebug, port is from xdebug.ini
Run/Debug Configurations -> PHP Remote Debug, IDE key is taken from xdebug.ini
PHPStorm ‘Server’ configuration: host (host.docker.internal) and path mappings of project root to /app (assuming /app is internal docker project root for you) are important, server name does not matter
Start listening and click ‘debug’, keep it in “waiting” mode forever
Install ‘Xdebug helper’ chrome extension and configure ‘IDEKEY’ value for IDE key there
open your dockerized site and activate debugging with the extension in Chrome

Just enable/disable the debugging via Chrome extension, and keep the debug configuration always ON in PHPStorm. That’s it!! It works! 🧨

Xdebugging CLI scripts

Debugging dockerized CLI script is also possible, and everything is in place already if you did the previous steps. Just pass the proper configuration values as options of PHP when you run the script, and you are done:

php -dxdebug.remote_enable=1 -dxdebug.remote_autostart=1 -dxdebug.remote_host=”host.docker.internal” -dxdebug.idekey=IDEKEY -dxdebug.remote_port=9008 yourscript.php




Written by Vastly

Making the world a better place for someone else.

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